
2.5 hours left here at the 2015 Ceramic Showcase. Come get this fruit basket which is the only one in the world like it. #pdx #Portland #OPAceramicshowcase

Tornadic activity in the studio #pdx #thisweekend #OPAceramicshowcase

Fresh out of the kiln! See at booth 2 at #OPAceramicshowcase #andy_clift

New Hanger Line. Contact #andy_clift for more information introducing line at #OPAceramicshowcase in #pdx Now taking orders.

#OPAceramicshowcase #whatamilookingathere

At #OPAceramicshowcase booth 2

New Beer Steins #pdx #beersteins #craftbrewers #OPAceramicshowcase

Not much more time for wet work before Ceramic Showcase #oregonpotters #ceramicshowcase #OPAceramicshowcase #oregonpottersassn #PDX #made_in_oregon #andy_clift #contemporary_ceramics #ceramics #pottery #2017NCECAinPDX

#oregonpotters #opaceramicshowcase #portlandnursery #ceramicbottlesbyandyclift

#opaceramicshowcase #ceramic_showcase #oregon_potters #pdx contemporary_ceramics